OSR I-Ching - HEXAGRAM Format 1- WIP
The OSR Referee's I-Ching
Hexagram 62: Conscientiousness
Thunder is above the mountain now is the time for conscientiousness! Therefore the enlightened Adventurers conduct themselves with respect. Small things are possible, the ambitious do not thrive.
General: In all their dealings with the game world the PCs must be conscientious. They must be detail orientated and aim to succeed via the micro, not macro, the day to day small details not long term lofty ambitions.
NPC: The PCs encounter an NPC with fixed and conservative ideas, whether that be a village Headman, Orc warlord, Imperial Vizier or High Priest, or Sorcerer-King, to have a positive interaction they need to conscientious in their dealing with the NPC. Progress will be slow but acting in strict accordance with the customs and proper practices of the leader's society will lead to good fortune. Straying from these norms of behavior when dealing with the NPC will cause problems.
Monster: The Party Encounter a monster that excels at camouflage or avoidance and trickery. It will take deliberate and difficult actions for the party to find, root out, or discover this monster’s weakness and habits. Even so, they will not learn everything. Ignoring the need to deal with this creature conscientiously will result in ambush, loss, and disadvantage.
Magic Item: To discover how this particular magic item works or interacts the party must follow a set of detailed instructions to use it. Failing to follow these instructions conscientiously will cause the Item to work in unpredictably dangerous ways.
Dungeon: In a room or tunnel there is a trap that is obvious to spot but will require at least 1d6+2 turns to disarm or navigate past safely. If the party try to rush this they can half the time but will make more noise causing a 1-3 chance of a Wondering Monster encounter per turn and there will now be a 1-3 chance that the trap is triggered causing a variety of mayhem and damage.
Wilderness Hexploration: In a random Hex the party must spend an extra day of careful exploration to find any one thing the Referee included in their write up of the Hex. If there is nothing in particular written for the hex the two days of searching reveal a small shrine to a god of luck. If they conscientiously search around the shrine they will find a patch of disturbed ground, buried a few feet down is a scroll with a detailed map of a point of interest in another nearby Hex. If the party aren’t conscientious and don’t spend the extra day searching they find nothing
Wilderness Pointcrawl: If the players are not conscientious in their preparation, set up, standing orders, etc. For the days travel they will encounter a minor but nonetheless irritating problem or delay that will cost them half a day in travel time.
Civilization: The party finds themselves in a situation where if they are to make any progress with whatever it is they wish to achieve in the city they must conscientiously investigate, research, and learn the history, social mores, customs, etc of one particular faction within the city. If they don’t progress will be difficult if not impossible.
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