OSR/DIY D&D LOOT: Lost Pages Haul - Paolo Greco is a Scholar and a Gentleman

This is a long overdue post about my Lost Pages OSR loot from scholar and gentleman +Paolo Greco

So here is the loot . . .

Are you feeling that DIY D&D deliciousness? You should they're superb little books full of gaming goodness you can loot for your OSR games. I won't review them in full here. Maybe ever as they were freebies - and this talks to the scholarly gentlemanlyness of Paolo - but I'll  just say they are all neat. 

AFG has a great and simple d6 system the 5More System, Kefitzah Haderech (as well as having an awesome name) covers one of my favourite elements of fantasy adventure gaming, and one that I think is underused: Portals. Wonders & Wickedness is my new favourite way to handle D&D magic, and Into the ODD is all sorts of brilliant. Especially Chargen. The first ODD character I rolled up was created with a few rolls of the d6, has a pistol, a whip, cigars, and an eye patch. I immediately and intuitively knew he was a terrible, terrible person, who looked suspiciously like Sean Connery and wore something like this . . .

. . . and here is the scholar and gentleman . . .

I don't like to post too much about myself, or my life, or non-gaming stuff. I go to G+ for OSR and RPG chat. It's also why I blog, and what I want to (mostly) blog about, but I do actually find some of the personal stuff peeps post as interesting as their gaming stuff, and we are human (well most of us) and a community, it would be weird (I think) if were were only ever 100% about the game stuff . . .

. . . So . . .

I've been ill with Ulcerative Colitis for years, and it was steadily getting worse year by year. So much so, that last year I had a flare up that no amount of steroids seemed able to stop, and I knew I'd be heading to hospital. Before I was admitted I just emailed everything I had on Wulfwald to Paolo. Who had agreed to publish it before I'd gotten ill. I more or less dumped it, mostly unfinished and totally unedited, on his lap. I knew I wouldn't be well enough to work on it any time soon, and that if I didn't get it to him before I went to hospital it might be ages before it saw the light of day.

As it was my instincts were correct because. My stay in hospital was a lot longer than I'd hoped, (about six weeks in total) and I ended up having some major surgery that I've not long recovered from (well more or less recovered). 

While I was stuck in hospital I emailed Paolo to see if he'd done anything with Wulfwald yet and he had a in fact knocked up a test cover, which cheered me up greatly. During our email back and forth I mentioned how bored I was and Paolo, may his life always be plentiful with Goats, like the fucking scholar and gentleman he is, posted me a care package full of OSR goodness from Glasgow., The above a pictured Lost Pages haul of: Kefitzah Haderech, Pergamino Barocco, Adventure Fantasy Game, Wonder & Wickedness, Into The ODD, and a super cool Lost Pages badge. 

All of which greatly relived the boredom of post surgery recovery, and were truly inspiring as I nodded in and out of medicated consciousness.  

I thanked him at the time, but just wanted to let everyone else know (as if they didn't already know) what a great guy Paolo is. Also, go to Lost Pages and buy stuff.

To sum up . . .


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