The Shattered Continuum an OSE Bri-Fi Setting: Pt 1 Character Classes
I've recently read Austin Kleon's ' Show Your Work ', and Seth Godin's ' Practice: Shipping Creative Work '. The first is about growing an audience and marketing your own work while you are in the process of creation. So, rather than slaving away in a solitary slog you're doing the work almost in public and hoping you find like-minded folk that dig what you're doing. The latter is about enjoying the work of creation as a practice without out concern for any particular outcome. Just do the work, enjoy doing the work, and share that work with a philosophy that it's the creative's duty to share rather than hoard away what they work on, and it's everyone else job to decide if a particular piece of work is good, or has value, or worth or not. That's not your job. Your job is to create and share. So in the spirit of both those and as I look forward to reading Jeff Goins's ' Real Artists Don't Starve ' I'll be posting a...