Dungeon23 and my Dungeon Dilemmas


Like many of my fellow ttrpg folks and my beloved OSR freaks, I’m jumping on Sean Mcoy’s #dungeon23 bandwagon.

“Megadungeon for 2023. 12 levels. 365 rooms. One room a day. Keep it all in a journal.” - Sean McCoy

It’s a neat little idea and a great way to A) get a good writing streak going and B) handle a ridiculously large scale project like a Megadungeon. 

I don’t really like the idea of keeping it all in a journal.  I can’t draw maps, and my handwriting is an illiterate scrawl that sometimes even I can’t read. I prefer to work with a pen and pad, and then go to WP, because if I don’t type up my notes within a week, large chunks of text are lost to the ether. I just can’t read half the strange squiggles hurriedly scrawled across the paper in an OSR fever dream.  So, Google Docs and blog posts for my dungeon Key. 

I have two approaches for the mapping side of things. The first is to ignore the mapping. Contraversial I know, but again my mapping, like my handwriting, is shoddy. A room description can stand on its own merit, and somebody with actual cartography skills can always be tasked to add a map later. The second is to force myself, no matter how unskillfully, to do my own mapping. After all, if I draw one room map a day for a whole year, even if I’m no Dyson Logos by the end of it, at least my cross-hatching will be half decent.

My other dilemma as to how I approach #dungeon23 is whether I go with the original proposed 12 level, 365 room Megadungeon, or alternatively use the daily dungeon key writing to flesh out the Hexcrawl I’m working on. I love the idea of ticking off the Megadungeon from my DIY D&D creators bucket list of 2d6 must have projects. Also, the Hexcralw needs a lot of content:villages, temples, forts, wizard's towers, all in various states of occupation, abandonment, and ruin. Plus lairs, general ruins, dungeons and a Sorcerer King’s Citadel. That could easily gobble up a year's worth of material.

I could go for a moon shot and try both. But I fear, as someone with a chronic illness that includes fatigue as one of the symptoms, and an already sub-optimal writing habit to boot, that this might just be folly.

I’m more or less brainstorming as I write this blog post, and it occurs to me that the festive period is upon us (bah humbug) and Jan 1st will roll around faster than a 18 DEX B/X Halfling rolling Individual Initiative (Optional Rule). So perhaps it’s a little late in the day to come up with a decent concept and backstory for a Megadungeon (#dungeon24 mayhaps). I should key out stuff for the Hexcrawl, as I know what that is, and isn’t. On the other hand, I could just dive into a vanilla Megadungeon with no plan, concept, theme or form, and see what happens?

These are my dungeon dilemmas heading into #dungeon23. Of course, it is Dungeons & Dragons. I could do a dragon themed Megadungeon, as well as the Hexcrawl. Maybe. Possibly. Or Not. Perhaps. I might. I could. I couldn’t. Could I?


  1. Have you ever played around with any of the online dungeon mappers? Some of them are pretty simple and allow you to save you work locally and upload it to work on it again later.

  2. Hey, Narmer I've looked at Dungeonscrawl ( at least I think that was its was called) and that looked pretty decent. I'm never sure I want to spend the time learning software though. I barley have time for the writing part. I'm thinking more and more now that I might do the drawing thing, just to see if I can improve.

  3. Well I've got one room done already. Thought it might be a good idea as I'm unlikely to be in good shape on New Year's Day. The room is for the Hexcrawl setting which I'll blog some more on soon.

  4. Re: mapping.

    I've been trying to change my approach to things as I go on in life. The idea that something has to be perfect, or even better then I think I can do, had held me back from lots.

    So make that hand-drawn map you think isn't good enough. You'll have something instead of nothing, and you can always revise it later, of you want, whether with your own improved skills or with someone else's.

    Draft copies aren't supposed to be perfect.

    1. Hey, Son of The Right Hand, I did end up going for it and scrawling a few maps. I even posted one at Mastodon.


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